Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Archisketcher has been published

I'm delighted to confirm that my book Archisketcher has now been published in the US by North Light Books. It is available to preorder on Amazon and is published in the UK by Apple Books on September 3rd - although some people seem to have already received their copies! Parka Blogs (Teoh Yi Chie) has written a really good review of it here and I'm very grateful to him for reviewing it so positively


  1. Fabulous review! This is the book I've been waiting for - not just pictures, but seems loaded with lots of practical tips. Do you know if this will be published in digital format? Thank you, and congratulations.

  2. Hi! Your book seems really great and I am looking forward to buy it.
    However, I am hesitated between the UK and U.S. versions... Are they exactly the same?
    The information of size and width on Amazon are quite different, which is strange...
    It's perhaps delicate to say it in a public way but could you please tell me in a private message if one seems better than another (for example, for the paper quality, the impression, the cover...)?
    Thank you so much!!

    One last question... :)
    Are they some advices to paint architecture, to make sketches without ink lines too? (I like to do both : ink sketches and watercolor only sketches)

    Have a good day!

  3. Thanks so much for your lovely comments! Gayle - not sure if there's a digital version but I will check for you. Anne-Laure - the US and UK versions are exactly the same size (or so I understand). The only difference is the cover, the US version is tailored to US market - North Light prefer covers with a collage of images, and also the text which was written in english has been americanised. Apart from that - absolutely no difference. I have copies of both. Hope helps and thank you again, hope you enjoy...!!

  4. I just bought your book and have to say, I love it! I like the organization, the sketches are well chosen to illustrate your point/lesson, you've got a great variety of styles. I see samples from a few favorite sketches: Stephanie and Shari (I bought their Craftsy classes). This book will be on my inspiration shelf forever. Thanks for pulling together such a helpful, inspirational book!
